interval timer — noun : timer 1a … Useful english dictionary
Programmable Interval Timer — Der Programmable Interval Timer (PIT) war ursprünglich ein spezieller Baustein (Chip) im IBM PC, der für die zeitliche Steuerung von Prozessen sorgte. Die am häufigsten verwendeten Timer Chips waren die Typen 8253 und 8254 von Intel mit drei 16… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Programmable Interval Timer — In computing, a Programmable Interval Timer (PIT) is a counter which triggers an interrupt when it reaches the programmed count. Common Features PITs counters may be one shot or periodic. One shot timers interrupt only once, and then stop… … Wikipedia
Timer — A timer is a specialized type of clock. A timer can be used to control the sequence of an event or process. Whereas a stopwatch counts upwards from zero for measuring elapsed time, a timer counts down from a specified time interval, like a sand… … Wikipedia
timer — noun Date: 1841 one that times: as a. timepiece; especially a stopwatch for timing races b. timekeeper c. a device (as a clock) that indicates by a sound the end of an interval of time or that starts or stops a device at predetermined times … New Collegiate Dictionary
timer — tim·er (tīmґər) a clock mechanism that can be set to automatically signal the end of a given interval of time or to activate or cut off some apparatus at a desired time … Medical dictionary
High Precision Event Timer — The High Precision Event Timer (HPET, formerly known as Multimedia Timer) is a hardware timer used in computers. It was developed jointly by Intel and Microsoft.Older operating systems cannot use HPET and run only on hardware that has the older… … Wikipedia
High Precision Event Timer — Le HPET (High Precision Event Timer, soit Timer Événementiel de Haute Précision, aussi connu sous le nom de Timer Multimédia[1]) est un timer (minuterie, métronome, chronomètre, horloge, ...) sous forme de composant électronique, présent sur les… … Wikipédia en Français
555 timer IC — NE555 from Signetics in dual in line package … Wikipedia
Intervalometer — An intervalometer is a device which counts intervals of time. (Other names include interval meter and interval timer). Such devices commonly are used to signal, in accurate time intervals, the operation of some other device. For instance, an… … Wikipedia
Intel 8253 — The Intel 8253 and 8254 are Programmable Interval Timers (PITs), which perform timing and counting functions. They are found in all x86 PCs. History In modern times, this PIT is not included as a separate chip in an x86 PC. Rather, its… … Wikipedia